Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: The Complete Guide (2024)

This comprehensive guide covers how to start a vegetable garden from scratch, which vegetables to grow, and when to plant what. We’ve also added a “starter” garden plan consisting of easy-to-grow vegetables, companion planting techniques, and some lovely flowers! Let this year be the year that you grow a successfulgarden!

Vegetable Gardening forBeginners

Why garden, you ask? How about enjoying the best vegetables and fruit you’ve ever eaten? If you’ve never tasted garden-fresh food, you will be amazed by the sweet, juicy flavors and vibrant textures. There’s absolutely nothing quite like fresh veggies, especially if you grow them yourself—which youcan!

It may seem daunting initially, but gardening is a very rewarding hobby. On this page, we’ll highlight the basics of vegetable gardening and planning: how to pick the right site for your garden, how to create the right-size garden, and how to select which vegetables togrow.

Pick the RightLocation

Picking a good location for your garden is absolutely key. A subpar location can result in subpar veggies! Here are a few tips for choosing a goodsite:

  • Sunny spot:Most vegetables need 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily. A few veggies (mostly leafy ones) will tolerate someshade.
  • Drains well and doesn’t stay wet:If you have poorly drained soil where water pools, plant veggies in a raised bed or raised row for improved drainage. Wet soil means wet roots, which can turn into rotted roots. If you have rocky soil, till and remove the rocks, as they will interfere with root growth and make for weakerplants.
  • Stable and not windy:Avoid places that receive strong winds that could knock over your young plants or keep pollinators from doing their job. Nor do you want to plant in a location that receives too much foot traffic or floods easily. Plant in a location that would makeGoldilocks smile—somewhere that’s “justright.”
  • Nutrient-rich soil. Your soil feeds your plants. You’ll have poor, unhealthy plants if you have thin, nutrient-poor soil. Mix in plenty of organic matter to help your plants grow. See how to prepare your soil for vegetable plants.

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: The Complete Guide (1)

Choosing a Plot Size: StartSmall!

Remember: It’s better to be proud of a small garden than be frustrated by a bigone!

One of the most common errors beginners make is planting too much too soon—way more than anybody could ever eat or want!Unless you want to have zucchinis taking up residence in your attic, plan your garden with care. Start small, and only grow what you know you and your family willeat.

Size ofGarden

  • If planting in the ground, a 10’ x 10’ garden (100 square feet) is a manageable size. Pick 3 to 5 of your favorite vegetables and buy 3 to 5 plants of eachone.
  • If planting in a raised bed, a 4’ x 4’ or 4’ x 8’ is a good beginner size.See our Raised Garden Bed Guide,which covers the benefits of raised beds, how to build a raised bed, and what type of soil to fill a raised bedwith.
  • If you want to go bigger, a 12’ x 24’ garden in the ground is probably the biggest a first-timer should go. For example, agarden that feeds afamily of four could include 3 hills of yellow squash, 1 mound of zucchini, 10 assorted peppers, 6 tomato plants, 12 okra plants, a 12-foot row of bush beans, 2 cucumbers on a cage, 2 eggplants, 6 basil, 1 rosemary, and a few low-growing herbs such as oregano, thyme, andmarjoram.
  • Whatever the size of your garden: Every four feet or so, make sure that you have paths that allow you to access your plants to weed and harvest. Just ensure you can easily reach the row or bed center without stepping on thesoil.

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: The Complete Guide (2)


As a beginner, start by choosing easy vegetables that are also productive.We’ve listed some of the easiest vegetables for beginners below. Most are best started by seeds planted directly into the soil, unless noted.

However, it would also be wise to contact your state’s Cooperative Extension Service to find out what plants grow best in your area. For example, if you live in an area with extremely hot weather, vegetables that prefer cooler temps maystruggle.

Top 10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow
(Tip: Click on a veggie’s name to see its detailed GrowingGuide.)

  1. Lettuce
  2. Greenbeans
  3. Radishes
  4. Tomatoes(by transplant, i.e. small nurseryplant)
  5. Zucchini
  6. Peppers (by transplant, i.e. small nurseryplant)
  7. Beets
  8. Carrots
  9. Chard, Spinach, or Kale
  10. Peas

Mix in flowers such as marigolds—which discourage pests, attract pollinators, and add somecolor!

Five tips for choosingvegetables:

  1. Choose what you (and your family) like to eat.If no one likes Brussels sprouts, don’t bother planting them! But if your kids love green beans, put more effort into growing a big crop ofbeans.
  2. Be realistic about how many vegetables your family will eat. Be careful not to overplant, as you will only stretch yourself thin by trying to take care of tons of plants!(You could always give excess veggies away to friends, family, or the local soupkitchen.)
  3. Consider the availability of veggies at your grocery store. Maybe you want to grow tomatillos instead of cabbage or carrots, which are readily available in your area. Also, certain veggies are so far superior when homegrown that it’s almost a shame not to consider them (we’re thinking of garden lettuce and tomatoes). Also, homegrown herbs are far less expensive than grocery-storeherbs.
  4. Be prepared to take care of your plants throughout the growing season.Going on a summer vacation? Remember that tomatoes and zucchinis grow strongest in the middle of summer. If you’ll be gone for part of the summer, you need someone to look after the crops, or they will suffer. Or, you could just grow cool-season crops such as lettuce, kale, peas, and root veggies during the cooler months of late spring and earlyfall.
  5. Use high-quality seeds. Seed packets are less expensive than individual plants, but if seeds don’t germinate, your money—and time—are wasted. A few extra cents spent in spring for that year’s seeds will pay off in higher yields at harvesttime.

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: The Complete Guide (3)

Where and When toPlant

This process is easy if you are simply growing two or three tomato plants. But if you planto grow a full garden, you need toconsider:

  • Where will each plantgo?
  • When will each vegetable needto beplanted?

Here are a few guidelines for arranging yourvegetables:

  • Not all vegetables are planted at the same time.”Cool-season” vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, and peas grow in the cooler weather of early spring (and fall). “Warm-season” vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers aren’t planted until the soil warms up in late spring andsummer.
  • Plant tall veggies (such as pole beans on a trellis or sweet corn) on the north side of the garden so they don’t shade shorter plants.If you do get shade in a part of your garden, save that area for small, cool-season veggies.If shade is unavoidable in parts of your garden, save those areas for cool-season vegetables that appreciate shade as the weather heatsup.
  • Most veggies are annuals (planted each year). If you’re planning on growing “perennial” crops such as asparagus, rhubarb, and some herbs, provide permanent locations orbeds.
  • Consider that some crops mature quickly and have a very short harvest period (radishes, bush beans). Other plants, such as tomatoes, take longer to produce, but also produce for longer. These “days to maturity” are typically listed on the seedpacket.
  • Stagger plantings. You don’t want to plant all your lettuce seeds at the same time, or all that lettuce will need to be harvested at around the same time! Stagger plantings by a few weeks to keep ‘emcoming!

When to PlantWhat

Every region has a different planting time based mainly on the weather, and every vegetable has its temperature preferences, too.See the Almanac’s Best Planting Dates—a gardening calendar customized to your local frost dates. Just enter your zip code (or postal code inCanada)!

For specific planting information, see our individual Grow Guides for over 100 popular vegetables, herbs, and fruits.For each crop, we provide specific information about how to plant, grow, and harvest, including watering, fertilizing, and pestcontrol!

A Starter Beginner GardenPlan

To help beginners, we thought it may be useful to see a garden design. Here is an example of a starter family garden using thecommon easy-to-grow vegetables listed above.It also features companion planting (the practice of placing plants that thrive together next to eachother).

You’ll see that we have given the garden decent-sized paths and mixed in afew herbs and flowers, too. Frankly, ifwe had grown this garden in our very first year, we would be thrilled! In planning the garden this way, we have made it much easier for you tosucceed.

Click here to see the full plant list, number of plants, spacing, and spacing inrows.

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: The Complete Guide (4)

Garden PlanningTool

The Old Farmer’s Almanac offers an excellent online garden planning tool that makes your garden planning fun and easy. With this tool,draw your garden plan on the computer and drop in your preferred vegetables, and it automatically calculates the proper spacing for each type of crop!This way, you don’t waste seeds or crowd your plants. The Garden Planner automatically pulls in the frost dates for your specific location, identifies easy vegetables, and even identifies companion plants. Then you can print out your plan, and the tool reminds you of your seeding and harvesting dates for everyvegetable!

Plus, you’ll see many free garden plans for inspiration!Over time, you’ll see that this tool also provides “crop rotation” so that if you plan a second season, you can properly reposition your plants to avoid pests anddisease.

With new gardeners in mind, we offer a FREE week to try the Garden Planner—ample time to plan your firstgarden.

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: The Complete Guide (5)

Any questions or advice about starting your garden? Check out some of the comments below. Many of your questions may have been answered already by our Almanac community, or you are welcome to add your own comment. Happygardening!

Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: The Complete Guide (2024)


What is the easiest vegetable garden for beginners? ›

Some of the easiest veggies to grow include lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, beans, garlic, cucumbers, and peppers. Tomatoes are a little more challenging, but they're prolific if you give them the right conditions.

What are 5 things you should do to prepare a good veggie garden? ›

New Veggie Garden Checklist: 5 Essential Things to Get Right
  1. Get the Location Right. To get the most from the most from growing your own delicious and nutritious veggies, you'll need to select the best spot to grow them in. ...
  2. Plan Your Garden's Layout. ...
  3. Clear the Weeds. ...
  4. Start Improving the Soil. ...
  5. Begin Your Planting Plan.
Jan 11, 2022

What are the 10 easiest vegetables to grow? ›

The Easiest Fruits and Vegetables to Grow for Beginners
  1. Bell Peppers. Bell peppers start out green, but they mature to red, orange, yellow, purple and even chocolate brown. ...
  2. Blackberries and Raspberries. ...
  3. Cabbage. ...
  4. Cucumbers. ...
  5. Garlic. ...
  6. Strawberries. ...
  7. Tomatoes. ...
  8. Zucchini and Squash.

What are the basics of vegetable gardening? ›

The basics of starting or planting a vegetable garden can be achieved in six simple steps: Planning; site selection; soil preparation; planting your seeds; maintaining your garden; and harvesting.

What is the fastest vegetable to grow? ›

Radishes are one of the fastest crops you can grow—it takes the vegetable about six weeks to grow from seed to harvest. On Martha's farm in New York, April is the standard month to plant radishes, as they can handle cold but not heavy frost.

What is a good layout for a vegetable garden? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

How to till a garden for the first time? ›

  1. Mark Where You Want to Till. Measure the size of the area and mark out the area that needs to be tilled. ...
  2. Remove Weeds and Fix Uneven Spots. ...
  3. Remove Rocks and Roots. ...
  4. Spread Out Compost (Optional) ...
  5. Begin Tilling in a Corner. ...
  6. Work Back and Forth Across the Area.
Mar 9, 2023

How to start a garden from scratch for beginners? ›

How to Start a Backyard Garden
  1. Determine your climate zone. ...
  2. Decide what to grow. ...
  3. Choose the ideal garden location. ...
  4. Acquire basic gardening tools. ...
  5. Test your soil. ...
  6. Make your garden bed. ...
  7. Decide whether to grow from seed or transplant seedlings. ...
  8. Plant your seeds or seedlings with care.
Jun 7, 2021

What vegetables can and cannot be planted together? ›

Companion Planting Chart
Type of VegetableFriendsEnemies
CarrotsBeans, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, tomatoesDill
CornClimbing beans, cucumber, marjoram, peas, pumpkins, squash, sunflowers, zucchiniTomatoes
OnionsCabbage, carrots, chard, lettuce, peppers, tomatoesBeans, peas
13 more rows

What is the best garden for beginners? ›

Beets, lettuce, kale, cucumbers, peas, radishes, cherry tomatoes and green beans are some of the easiest vegetables for beginners to grow. Summer and winter squash are also good choices for first-time gardeners.

What vegetable takes 30 days to grow? ›

Spinach. Spinach is a cool-weather crop that can be sown in early spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Ready to harvest in less than 30 days, add spinach to your mixed salad greens or serve it alone wilted with a bacon dressing.

What to plant next to tomatoes? ›

Top 10 Companion Plants for Tomatoes
  • Marigolds. The bright colors and strong scent of marigolds make them an excellent deterrent against insects like tomato hornworms and aphids. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Onions. ...
  • Lavender. ...
  • Basil (Ocimum basilicum) ...
  • Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) ...
  • Asparagus. ...
  • Celery.
Jul 6, 2022

What is the best size vegetable garden for a beginner? ›

If you're new to vegetable gardening, a 10' x 10' garden (100 square feet) is a great place to start. Pick three to five of your favorite veggies, such as cucumbers, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, and tomatoes, and buy three to five plants of each. Plant them in the early spring, after the last frost.

What to do before planting a vegetable garden? ›

Work a two to three inch layer of compost into the soil with a rototiller or shovel at least a month prior to planting. Smooth the surface so that you are ready to plant when the weather is appropriate. Also, consider having the soil in your garden nutrient tested through a certified lab before planting.

What is the best garden for a beginner? ›

“I recommend summer squash or zucchini, bush beans, cucumbers, lettuce and cherry tomatoes,” Awot-Traut says. “It is really hard to fail with a cherry tomato.” Some plants are a bit more finicky, Kemper says. Broccoli and onions, for example, aren't plants he suggests to newbies.

What vegetables take the least amount of time to grow? ›

Radishes. One of the fastest-growing vegetable plants you can grow is radish. Some types are ready to eat in as little as 3 weeks from seeding. They are a cool-season vegetable, meaning they do best in spring or fall, before or after the heat of summer.

What is the best layout for a vegetable garden? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

What is a good size garden for a beginner? ›

If you're new to vegetable gardening, a 10' x 10' garden (100 square feet) is a great place to start. Pick three to five of your favorite veggies, such as cucumbers, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, and tomatoes, and buy three to five plants of each.


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